Surprise! I'm a single parent

Free Separation Agreement
July 19, 2009, 12:28 am
Filed under: economy

I am now the proud owner of a $1001 document that outlines who owns what between my ex and I. That’s cheap! But don’t think it didn’t hurt to transfer the money into the striped suited ones account.

We had waited six months for his lawyer to write a draft. Six months! If I was writing these for a living I’d have a basic template and a basic interview and I’d knock ’em out like buns in a bakery.

To get things moving along I surfed the net to find out what was required and wrote up a draft. Then I got the ex to read it and made some changes. Then I consulted the list of lawyers my colleagues had recommended and contacted the one with the best parking. I told the lawyer I didn’t want to waste money. We set a price. We added a few extras like some arrangements about what we do about Christmas.

Then off it went to his lawyer. A month passed. My ex came up with a change – the sentence he’d contributed to the document wasn’t what he meant. We made the change. Finally word came that the agreement was signed and ready for my X. I drive to my lawyer. Reading through it I saw that my ex and his lawyer have signed the earlier copy. If I’d signed it it would mean an extra ten thousand dollars for me.

I pointed it out. Yeah, I know.

We printed out the right copy I signed that and we sent it off to the sink hole of time management his lawyer seemed to be.

Thursday I heard that the document was completed. Anticlimax. Now we follow the agreement and maybe by the end of the month my house will be mine (and the banks). ‘

If you want a copy of my agreement to use to draft your own just let me know.

257 Comments so far
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  1. pethampers   Rachel 07.20.09 @ 3:04 am      

    can you e-mail me a copy, just need this for the bank, want to dodge paying a lawyer

  2. alyssaf   lisa 08.10.09 @ 2:21 am      

    would love a copy – going down same road and hard to find some sensible advice anywhere..

  3. t_5555   Yaoyao 08.10.09 @ 2:34 pm      

    Can you email me a copy.

  4. stevebam   Steve 09.07.09 @ 7:44 pm      

    Would love to have a copy please…..

  5. chrispics   Christine 09.14.09 @ 1:46 pm      

    Could you e mail me a copy too please

  6. trish-madison   Trish M 09.16.09 @ 12:08 am      

    I would appreciate a copy of the agreement, thank you very much.

  7. s.haywoodsmith   Susan 09.30.09 @ 6:01 pm      

    Please email me a copy of your separation agreement.


  8. chrispics   Chris 07.14.10 @ 9:40 am      

    Please send a copy, thankyou

  9. mark   Mark 08.02.10 @ 6:14 pm      

    A copy would be great thanks.

  10. dkzgraham   Dawn 09.04.10 @ 3:19 pm      

    Can you please email me a copy of agreement. Thank you

  11. taniste   Tania 10.17.10 @ 7:02 pm      

    Plez, would dearly love a a copy of your separation agreement. have been going through a horrendously hard time for way too long, am pretty worn down by it all

  12. freeholdmortgage   Charles 11.04.10 @ 9:50 pm      

    Wow you are doing such a great thing, helping people in the same situation. I would love a copy of this if possible please, I too am sick of being mucked around by my lawyer! Many thanks!!

  13. leanne.cox   leanne 12.01.10 @ 6:52 pm      

    hi would love a copy please!! thanks so much

  14. lowdrum   Neville Lowry 12.03.10 @ 3:54 pm      

    I would be grateful for a copy if still available. Thanks

  15. haivadway   pell grant 12.24.10 @ 10:04 am      

    found your site on today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later

  16. ansonchen11   Gia 01.29.11 @ 6:54 am      

    A copy of the agreement will be appreciated. thank you.

  17. muroneal   M 02.14.11 @ 7:09 pm      

    Might I have a copy please. Thank you.

  18. Laurence.Thomas   laurence 02.15.11 @ 5:50 pm      

    Would love to have a copy please … but wish I didn’t need it :-(

  19. rogerlu936   Roger lu 02.22.11 @ 7:19 pm      

    Can you please email a copy to me?A Much appreciated!

  20. susan_kadorty   Susan 03.05.11 @ 1:23 am      

    I would like to have one, please. Thank you.

  21. nabunya   Denise 04.17.11 @ 8:41 pm      

    Can you please email a copy to me?A Much appreciated!

  22. gjwilshaw   Gary 04.18.11 @ 11:49 pm      

    Pls I need a copy I’ve already spent over $1000 getting nowhere!!!

  23. b.clarke1   Belinda 05.17.11 @ 4:58 pm      

    Would love to have a copy. Single mom of two. Thank you soo much.

  24. anna.gaitt-crowther   ANNA 05.22.11 @ 5:23 pm      

    Yes pretty please, I’d love a copy!

  25. admin   Karen Lavender 05.23.11 @ 6:35 pm      

    Wld love you to send me a copy please as I am at a total loss as to where to start the process.

  26. haydene   Hayden 06.01.11 @ 8:46 pm      

    IF you would be abel to send me a copy as reference I would be extremely appreciative. Me and my partner are looking to head our separate ways but remain close and good friends. It is a mutual dicision with little stress involcved which is great. As a result we really do not want to be buried in legal fees, but would prefer to be covered. thanks.

  27. julia.paul   Julia 06.02.11 @ 4:58 pm      

    Hi, aweome if you could send me a copy. Many thanks

  28. moyang262   Tina 06.06.11 @ 4:26 pm      

    I would like to have a copy please…

  29. kiwisongbird   Sharry 06.09.11 @ 6:23 am      

    Can you please email a copy to me? Thanks heaps.

  30. gabriel   Rebecca 06.10.11 @ 6:40 pm      

    I would also appreciate a copy. Thanks

  31. disee67   Disee 06.13.11 @ 3:53 am      

    I would appreciate a copy please!

  32. joseph   Joseph 07.10.11 @ 8:50 pm      

    Hi there I would really appreciate a copy
    Thanks heaps

  33. kalach   Tania 07.20.11 @ 5:36 pm      

    I would appreciate a copy please!

  34. yzxjyxq   Josie 07.25.11 @ 6:41 pm      

    a copy of aggreement would be really appreciated.

  35. debzeb   wordmonger 07.26.11 @ 1:24 am      

    My pleasure :-)

  36. delautourkelly   Michael 08.01.11 @ 8:16 pm      

    Hi, I would appreciate a copy. Thanks

  37.   Erbium 08.02.11 @ 4:24 pm      

    Deeply appreciated it if you can send me a copy. Thanks.

  38. tania.watt   Tania Watt 08.24.11 @ 4:17 am      

    I would much appreciate a copy please.

  39. tania.watt   Tania Watt 08.24.11 @ 4:18 am      

    Would you please let me have a copy. Thanks

  40. debzeb   wordmonger 08.24.11 @ 9:15 pm      

    Winging its way to you now :-)

  41. talalulu   Taryn 08.28.11 @ 12:27 am      

    Hi, would appreciate a copy too.. thanks very much

  42. amyllewin   Amy Lewin 08.29.11 @ 1:04 am      

    A copy of your agreement would be much appreciated, I am really struggling with writing mine! Thanks so much :)

  43. amyllewin   Amy 08.29.11 @ 7:47 pm      

    I would really appreciate a copy as I am trying to write one, but am having trouble! Thanks so much for your generosity :)

  44. flukmanov   James 09.12.11 @ 1:00 pm      

    Please email me one. Thanks.

  45. leahna   Leahna 09.23.11 @ 2:30 am      

    PLEASE send me your agreement… i’m at a loss.

    MANY thanks!

  46. nzhaleyjane   Haley Hawkins 10.03.11 @ 3:20 pm      

    Wow! What a great idea–to help others through the trenches of red tape. Who needs such hassles during an already painful journey?! I look forward to looking at your experienced aid. Thank you very much.

  47. jinghe0210   jin NZ 10.10.11 @ 2:15 pm      

    A copy of your agreement would be much appreciated. thanks in advance

  48. debzeb   wordmonger 10.11.11 @ 12:48 am      

    Take two :-) Wishing you well.

  49. johnpcorrea   JohnCo 10.26.11 @ 3:10 pm      

    Can I get a copy of the Agreement. Thanks very much for what you do…

  50. snikpohsemaj   James 11.06.11 @ 2:53 pm      

    If you are still providing copies I would love one – thanks!

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