Filed under: economy
I am now the proud owner of a $1001 document that outlines who owns what between my ex and I. That’s cheap! But don’t think it didn’t hurt to transfer the money into the striped suited ones account.
We had waited six months for his lawyer to write a draft. Six months! If I was writing these for a living I’d have a basic template and a basic interview and I’d knock ’em out like buns in a bakery.
To get things moving along I surfed the net to find out what was required and wrote up a draft. Then I got the ex to read it and made some changes. Then I consulted the list of lawyers my colleagues had recommended and contacted the one with the best parking. I told the lawyer I didn’t want to waste money. We set a price. We added a few extras like some arrangements about what we do about Christmas.
Then off it went to his lawyer. A month passed. My ex came up with a change – the sentence he’d contributed to the document wasn’t what he meant. We made the change. Finally word came that the agreement was signed and ready for my X. I drive to my lawyer. Reading through it I saw that my ex and his lawyer have signed the earlier copy. If I’d signed it it would mean an extra ten thousand dollars for me.
I pointed it out. Yeah, I know.
We printed out the right copy I signed that and we sent it off to the sink hole of time management his lawyer seemed to be.
Thursday I heard that the document was completed. Anticlimax. Now we follow the agreement and maybe by the end of the month my house will be mine (and the banks). ‘
If you want a copy of my agreement to use to draft your own just let me know.
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If this is for real – I would love a copy. Me and my partner just split and I can’t afford a lawyer, but don’t want to be cheated out of the house.
You should have it in your inbox now
If you are stil doing these, I’d love a copy… pleeeeease! Thank you.
Hope it helps.
Hi, I know this article was posted a long time ago, but you are still sending copies out that would be awesome! Thanks, John
Still shipping them out John
Would love a copy if you have one.
Here you go…
Hi, could I please have a copy emailed to me? Things are really not good, can’t afford a lawyer and just need to try and get things sorted for the sake of my two young girls.
Thanks, Andrew.
Your blog is inspiring. Thanks for sharing. Would love a copy of the sep agreement please!
I’d love a copy please…if you’re still sending them out
it would be an immense help!
Would really appreciate a copy – Thank you for sharing
Would love a copy of your agreement.
I would love one of these too please
Just in the process of assisting a friend in this position so if I could have a copy that would be marvy!!
Would love to send
two marvey agreements coming your way…
Sharing is what its all about.
can i also get a template? thank you ! this is the only place I’ve seen this!
Can I have a cope please? Thanks
Reaaly really need one pleeeease
No Problem.
Let me know if it helps.
Yes I couldn’t find anything when I was organising mine so I thought this would be a good idea.
Very generous and helpful. Could I please get a copy too?
Gosh they are going like hot cakes this week. Hope they are of use to you
Hey there..aint it sad such documents are like hot cakes!…what to do huh… in the same boat…seperating and would like to ensure details are set out to ensure no future problematics….so sure..if you wouldnt mind emaioling me a copy of your template i would be very appreciative…cheers..
I’ve just come across some other examples of NZ separation agreements online:
can I get a copy as well. A friend needs one for her daughter. thanks in advance.
Thanks Julianne – they look good.
I would appreciate a copy if you are still sending them out. Thank you!
Hi there, I would love a copy please! My ex and I are about to discuss a separation agreement in next couple of days. Thankyou!!
If you are still sharing your agreement I would love to have a copy please.
wow.this whole process seems quite scary! if you are still helping out, i d so love a copy please. thank you so much.
On the way to you now. Please also see:
Of course and here is a handy site:
I am and I’m also linking people to this:
Would appreciate a copy, lawyers are confusing me as well as draining my funds
You need to have an agreement to seperate joint property and agree over the way you will share other property and access to children (and pets and anything else you will continue to share). These agreements aren’t perfect but from what Ive learnt giving them away most agreements end up lacking something. That’s because there isn’t a really good checklist around that lawyers are referring to. For all that, my agreement is pretty good – in hindsight we would have had a review period earlier than the legal one for the kids to decide where they live. Its a bit much asking the kids to be nomads for ten years (in one of my kids case). And there was no agreement about our dog.
Also in hindsight although we agreed shared costs there wasn’t a process. It took many years before my ex and I were able to set up a joint account and I ceased to pay the bulk of the expences.
Another thing not mentioned in my agreement is our suepr payments. Luckily Id worked hard to bring his up to the same level as mine but more usually a woman has less in kiwisaver and you’d want to be compensated for him having a larger nest egg put away.
I wonder if you are still willing to send a copy of the separation agreement so I can start and sort things out before it gets worst. Many thanks.
You should have them now.
kia ora,if i could also have a copy
… you sound more like a super solo mum, well done
Aw shucks. Here you go – hope they help.
Would love to have a copy of the seperation agreement if you are still sending it out:-) Bank is insisting on one and like most people to want to pay $$$$$
Yes that was the case with me. Bank and lawyer doing conveyancing wanted agreement. I can understand it though. They don’t want to be responsible for an unfair dispersement of assets.
Please can you send me a copy so that I prepare mine too. Just like anyone, I can’t afford to spend on expensive legal fees. Thanks in advance.
Should be with you now – all the best with your split.
Please could have a copy too? Thank you so much for sharing.
Just sent to you now.