Surprise! I'm a single parent

still a single parent but …. less surprised
January 5, 2014, 11:31 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I started this blog because I didn’t like the fact that I kept talking about the end of my relationship. I felt sorry for people who had to listen to me. I thought if I started this blog I could dump stuff here and get on to new and interesting conversations with other people. Heck, I might even be able to listen to other people. I was pretty tired of listening to me.

It’s a few years on and I think I’ve found that ending a 15 year relationship with two kids involved (and a dog) is a lot like peeling an onion. There always seems to be another layer.

During these years I haven’t always been single. I’ve had a crazy distance relationship for one thing. I put up with the crazy part because I really loved the person and because I think I thought this relationship gave me the space I needed. Probably because we were never properly together we never really got to test out how compatible we were and I put up with stuff that I probably wouldn’t of if he’d lived in the same town. We broke up quite a few times but he was incredibly good at wooing so we also got back into orbit a  few times.

Anyway I’ve just had my one year anniversary of being single! I think this was a great thing for me to do. A year off relationships. It actually stretched out to about two years. I just got busy with other stuff. I wrote books and did a masters. Now I’m starting a new job and I’m thinking maybe I’ll look out for another relationship. It’s nice to share life with another adult.