Surprise! I'm a single parent

joining things
November 22, 2009, 2:42 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I’ve never been a big joiner. Mum enrolled me in the brownies and I turned up and got my badges but when the blue uniformed girl guides came around I rebelled and went my own way. Secondary school I did have a sport but I doggedly didn’t join things as much as I could. Being a member has never been my thing.

So its odd to suddenly realise I’ve become a bit of a joiner. In the space of a few months Ive joined the carol singing group (I just like singing carols!) Ive joined the ceroc dancing group (its free and they can cope with me coming every second week!) and a writing group.  

I’m now a person who has more extra curricular activities than my kids. I I have to squeeze things into my childfree week. The thing I haven’t joined is anything that’s particularly active – like a gym. Gym. It sounds a bit like dungeon to me. Dungym. But I might need to join one. Hmm I doubt it’s like brownies.

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